Sprout Nutrition offers in-person consultations, located in Port Melbourne or online video consultations.
The Process:
Discovery Call
Do I need to prepare anything prior to my appointment?
If you have any copies of recent blood tests it would be beneficial to discuss these results in the consultation. While this is not a prerequisite, it will help you to make the most out of your appointments. If you are unsure which blood tests you require, no problem - we can discuss this during consult if applicable to your situation.
Referrals and Rebates:
If you are referred by your GP and have a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM), you will be eligible for Medicare rebates of $58.30 per appointment, for a maximum of 5 appointments per year.
CDM plans are available to those with chronic health conditions at the discretion of your GP. Please discuss your eligibility for a Medicare CDM plan with your GP.
The fees for patients with CDM plans are as follows:
Initial Consultation (45- 60 minutes): $160 with a Medicare rebate of $60.35 (Out of pocket fee: $99.65)
Review Consultation (20-30minutes): $95 with a Medicare rebate of $60.35 (Out of pocket fee: $34.65)
Private Health fund rebates may be available to you depending on your extras cover with your Health Insurer.
If you wish to check directly with your health fund to see if you are eligible for a rebate, please refer to item codes 500 and 600 for initial and review in person consults and 301 and 302 for initial and review Telehealth consultations. You will be provided with an invoice immediately after your appointment so you are able to claim directly with your health fund.
Cancellation Policy:
If you are unable to attend or wish to reschedule your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.
We value appointment times with our clients and want you to get the most out of your appointment. The dietitian has allocated your consultation time to you to help you achieve your treatment goals. Therefore, appointments will be scheduled exclusively for one patient at a time. This ensures that staff and resources are dedicated to the patient booked for the designated session.
Clients are required to provide at least 48 hours notice if they wish to cancel or reschedule their appointment, except in the case of illness or other extenuating circumstances.
Missed appointments or last-minute cancellations result in costs to our business and disadvantages to potential clients that could have benefitted from the appointment time slot.
Online bookings require a 40% deposit.
Cancellations made less than 48 hours in advance will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance will incur a 70% cancellation fee. Failure to attend your appointment will incur a 100% cancellation fee. Cancellations made with a minimum of 48 hours notice will result in a refund of the deposited amount.
This is due to the preparation time involved in planning for our appointment, as well as patient waiting times for appointments. Individual circumstances will be considered.